Friday 5 February 2010

Treatment Sheet

Synopsis and treatment

The story of our music video is of two young college students who are late for their bus but miss it and try to catch the train and end up missing that as well.
The story starts with George sitting in the atrium waiting for Mike to get out of his lesson, he is looking really bored when Mike bursts out of the door exclaiming that they are extremely late and then the two charge out of the college, putting their hoods up while doing so, this is because we wanted to blend our story in with that of assassins creed, the story of a young assassin who's job it is to stop the templar knights. We took scenes of him running and free running and blended them in with our own footage to make it more interesting and to add a little bit more vibe to the genre chosen.
When the two students get far enough out of college, they break off and charge in two different directions and then they both get their own stunts, such as the scene when mike jumps over the camera and then “Altair” the assassin comes down the other side to make it look like they are both doing the same stunt at the same time.
Eventually after much running and jumping they arrive at the bus stop in time to see their bus driving off. Too impatient to wait for another, they charge off towards the train station to try and catch the last train home, they run towards the train station making many short cuts and detours along the river and old railway lines until they finally reach the station, they run through and across the bridge and onto the platform just as the train is leaving, they cry and scream in despair and the music fades, along with the visuals.

We imagine our video to be a modern interpretation of the assassin’s creed video. Instead of our video being during the crusades and running away from knights, we are going to try to make it look like we are assassins running for the bus, occasionally pulling off the stunts shown in the game. As we are all big fans of the assassins creed series I think the video is going to come out really well, and in a way I think in my own way that the video could almost be similar to a music video depicting a film like transformers two only this time its based on a game rather than a film. I am really looking forward to production and cant wait to put my ideas together for editing and eventually see the final piece.

below is the assassins creed opening video to give you a rough guess as to what we hope to accheive.

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