Tuesday 19 January 2010

ONE day Lip Sync Project

For our one day project we had to lip sync ourselves to a song chosen by the tutors. this meant that we had to sing along to abba sos! being very familiar with all of abbas work i took on the lip sync job and also edited the peice to a high standard. and i hope that the veiwers are enjoying it on you tube.

Now that i Look back on the track video, i feel that i didnt edit it to as good standard as too what it looked like when i frist did it, i intend to a do a proper music video soon, lip synced to one of my personal favourite songs of all time, the completely awesome track that is "Hands Held High" - Linkin Park. im am going to do this with one of my second year freinds who i like to work with named Matthew Ellis.

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